We had a fun Christmas Eve & Christmas with the Husted Family!! Ryan hosted Christmas Eve while I was away working Trinity's 3 services but Ryan held down the fort while taking care of 3 kids! He even made it to the last service with the kids and served as an usher. He's a trooper! We opened stockings from Santa Nana. The big kids got the traditional Spartan gear and the grandkids cashed in with the matching pj's!! Yummy ham dinner and lots of treats! 

It was so nice to have Nana with us for Christmas!! Soon she'll be in Florida for the winter.

Christmas morning, the kids were so excited! Malia woke half asleep, peeped her eyes open and said, "It's the day before we go to FLORIDA!!!" Riley said, "It's CHRISTMAS!!"

When the kids came downstairs, there were no presents under the tree. It was dead quiet until they realized the presents were hidden all over the house. Then it was absolute craziness!! We got it all on videotape. We let the kids open one gift each and then we had cinnamon rolls and eggs for breakfast while Ryan read the Christmas story. We did face paints and the girls got a set of nail polish. Malia begged and begged until Ryan finally gave in and let her paint his nails. She was on cloud nine!!

At noon, we joined the Husted clan for Christmas over at Kent & Becky's house. Silas read the Christmas story, we had a delicious brunch and then opened presents.

The two youngest...Elijah Bowden & Lucas Husted.

Riley and Malia got their first doll house!! Riley was so excited and begged to leave the party so she could go home and play with her new toys.
When we got home, the girls played for hours! They LOVE their doll house!

We had a wonderful two-day Christmas celebration!! Now we're packing our bags and getting ready to drive 2 days to Florida!!