Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cousin Aysen's 1st Birthday!

The kids had a BLAST at Aysen's 1st birthday party!! We hosted at our house, Marissa made pancit, Jocelyn made lumpia and lots of other yummy food!! Kids made mickey ears, demolished a pinata and loved all the prizes they found!!

Learning how to Surf!

We made it to the polls to cast our vote and then hit the beach for an early morning swim!! The girls are getting more and more comfortable in the water and started boogie boarding!!
Beautiful day in sunny South Kihei!
Can't forget Lucas. Yes, he was there...eating lots of sand!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lucas at 16 months

Lucas is growing so fast & makes us crack up everyday! He loves to kiss, wrestle, throw balls and use his LOUD voice!! He's been our biggest parenting challenge of the 3 but he's slowly settling into his zone.

See the BLUE boots! Looks a lot better than pink!!
Looks a lot like his daddy!!

My Mistake

Ten years ago, I worked with Procter & Gamble and received lots of new products. Yesterday, I found a Crest SPINBRUSH in our moving boxes and the girls LOVED it! They were BOTH using and sharing the brush so I decided to get new ones for everyone. At the store, I found they were $9!!! So, I decided to buy just one. BIG MISTAKE!!
Since Malia likes balls, sports, cars, and boy stuff, I thought she'd keep the race car brush and give Riley the new Hello Kitty brush. We made them play "Rock, Paper & Scissors" and Riley won. She's so happy!
Poor Malia was not a happy camper! SO sad. Guess it wasn't worth saving $9.

A Promise in our Backyard

We were blessed by a beautiful rainbow in our backyard this morning!! The girls wanted to find the pot of gold at the bottom of the rainbow but we had to rush off to school! What a beautiful way to start the day!!