After 17 years living on the mainland, we're making the big move back to the islands to minister alongside the Asato family on Maui. To better understand our heart behind this move, see my dad's letter to our Michigan staff team below.....
April 12, 2010
Dear Trinity Leadership,
I want to, first of all, thank you for the incredible impact you have had on my daughter, Sharina Husted, over the past 8 years. What she has experienced with you has produced in her a great love for God and a passionfor ministry that, as a father, has brought great joy to my heart. Because of you, she has grown in her faith and desire to serve the Lord. I cannot thank you enough for the investment you’ve made and the fruit it has born in her and her family.
As a family, we realized that every time she returned for vacation her excitement over what God was doing at Trinity made it impossible for her to consider moving back to Maui. We were happy and excited at what God was doing in your church and in her life. Currently, our church is in need of the gifts God has given Sharina. Sharina’s brother will soon assume my role as Senior Pastor. Though he has incredible gifts at leadership, preaching and vision casting, he lacks Sharina’s gift of organization and administration.
Sharina has always desired to serve together with our family on Maui, but it was never a financial reality. Over the past week, God orchestrated events that clearly showed us that God’s time had possibly come. To answer the question of financial reality, the recent passing of her grandfather released inheritance funds to provide a home and income for Sharina and her family. This would allow her to serve in ministry with us and she is open to this possibility.
Sharina has always carried a burden for ministry in Maui. During her recent visit, she sensed the same Spirit’s call for Maui that she became familiar with at Trinity which characterized every new challenge she assumed over the past 8 years. Our family concurred and it was confirmed through many financial miracles.
I would like to formally ask for your blessing to have Ryan and Sharina join our ministry team on Maui. As a father, this is a dream beyond anything I could have imagined. God is doing tremendous things in Maui. Last year, Maui eliminated hunger and became a prototype for many to follow. The marketplace is being impacted and Christians are assuming greater roles in government. Something special is stirring on the island, but the church lacks a net for the harvest that Sharina’s gifts in structures and systems can help create.
Her ministry will have an impact beyond our church and will impact the island.I truly believe that what God does here will affect the Pacific Rim and many other nations. I humbly ask for your further investment in Sharina by releasing her and Ryan to serve in Maui. The deposit of your life through her will impact nations around the world.
Pastor Edward Asato