After our Christmas Eve Service, we took some family pictures.
Here's Grandpa & Grandma with all the grandkids.

Our family is grrrrrowing so fast!! Can't believe how many of us there are! So blessed to have a tight knit crew. All the little babies think they're brothers and sisters.
They fight like it too!

We had a fun Christmas Day!! We started off the morning by Skyping with our Husted Family in Michigan! Got to see all the snow and presents the kids got.

Auntie April started working on the Gingerbread House with the girls and we finished the project the next morning.

We had our church staff, Asato clan and great grandma over for brunch. 12 adults and 8 kiddos. Only 8 kids??? Seemed like we had a lot more!!

Grandpa with Alexis and Riley (ready for naptime)

We hid the kids gifts all over the house and did a scavenger hunt with them. I forgot that I hid one of the gifts in the oven until I smelt something burning. I was warming the oven for our french toast and instead cooked a box of Polly Pockets!!

So grateful for our family and friends! 8 weeks til baby #4 arrives. Can't wait!!