Levi Edward Husted arrived on Thursday, March 3rd! He is 9lbs 3oz and 21.5 inches long. The Lord blessed us with no complications and an easy delivery!! So glad that he's healthy and that we can hold him in our arms (not in my belly anymore)!!

We named Levi after his grandpa...Edward Asato who walks closely with God and is a man of integrity. We wanted to bless Levi with a name that speaks life into his future and his impact on this world.

Ryan cut the cord and was an awesome coach in labor!! Look at how proud he is of his little boy!

The kids were so thrilled to see their baby brother for the first time!

Nana Husted flew in from Michigan the night before Levi arrived.....we think he was waiting on her before making his entrance into the world.

Jon & Joce & Family visited us in the hospital and brought some very much needed fruits and snacks!!

Dad & Mom Asato arrived within 10 minutes of Levi's birth!!

Uncle Byron stopped by with yummy Komoda cream puffs, donuts and sweet bread!! The WHOLE Asato crew stopped by after they heard we had goodies!!

Pastor Lance & Tedynne Sokugawa

Proud Grandma Asato has been coming over every single day since Levi was born....says he changes everyday and doesn't want to miss it.

Riley thinks Levi looks just like her!

Malia loves her little brother and is always asking to hold him. She watches him while he sleeps and so fond of her little brother.

Levi and Daddy taking a lazy afternoon nap together! So fun having this little guy in our lives.