The things we miss MOST about Michigan...
1. Our HUSTED family!! Papa Coconut, Nana Banana and the whole clan!!
2. Our TRINITY family!! Our staff team, church friends & church family
But there are a few other luxuries that we enjoyed in Michigan that are non-existent on beautiful Maui.....
1. Found out I can't get an epidural with baby #4. Is it possible to deliver without drugs?? Had to fly to another island for my ultrasound. Took the whole day for a 1 hour appointment.
2. No trash service for the first 6 weeks of life on Maui
3. No fall apple cider, pumpkins, apple picking, etc.
4. We miss our Dental Spa....parafin wax, massages & movies while our teeth are cleaned. Just once a year but still a nice treat.

But it's wonderful to be living in the 80s and to see the sun shining everyday!