The things we miss MOST about Michigan...
1. Our HUSTED family!! Papa Coconut, Nana Banana and the whole clan!!
2. Our TRINITY family!! Our staff team, church friends & church family
But there are a few other luxuries that we enjoyed in Michigan that are non-existent on beautiful Maui.....
1. Found out I can't get an epidural with baby #4. Is it possible to deliver without drugs?? Had to fly to another island for my ultrasound. Took the whole day for a 1 hour appointment.
2. No trash service for the first 6 weeks of life on Maui
3. No fall apple cider, pumpkins, apple picking, etc.
4. We miss our Dental Spa....parafin wax, massages & movies while our teeth are cleaned. Just once a year but still a nice treat.

But it's wonderful to be living in the 80s and to see the sun shining everyday!
Well, you didn't mention us in the 'miss' list, but we do miss you guys! It is so beautiful here and warm right now! It's been a fabulous summer and fall! Such beauty all around us! I'm sure Ryan misses it a lot! We'll have to mail him some beautiful colored leaves to jump in! ;)
The Nickel Clan