Last month, we went to the wedding of our little cousin Annie who's all grown up. We got lost on our way to the ceremony and slipped in to the back row just in time to hear, “You may kiss the bride!” Here's Ryan and beautiful!Between the wedding and reception, we had just enough time to nurse Lucas, warm/eat Ryan’s gluten free, dairy free, sugar free dinner, change diapers and for the girls to eat as many snacks as they could manage without having a belly ache. The girls loved seeing a REAL princess in a white dress! They asked if she was wearing glass slippers and were mesmerized by the cake cutting.
As a party favor, a photobooth was available for free picture taking. We were able to get fun pics and the bride/groom received a photobook of all the pictures taken along with personalized messages from friends. It was a really cool idea!
Now that all the kids are married with families of their own, we took a commemorative picture of the Husted kids now that they're all grown up! Looks can be deceiving. :0)
Ryan and Lucas
Malia wanted to dance so Nana took her on the dance floor while the rest of the kids played out on the golf course lawn.
It was a beautiful day!
Johnny is gluten free and dairy free too! It actually makes us eat much better. Is it just an elimination diet, or does he have allergies?